The year was 1992, and 46 years earlier the first Vespa was launched in Pontadera, Italy, developed by Corradino D’Ascanio, who would actually have preferred to build helicopters. In honor of this first Vespa and its numerous descendants, the first AMERIVESPA Rally was held in St. Louis, Missouri in 1992. This first rally was not just about Vespa scooters or motor scooters. It was rather a meeting of motorscooter friends, who participated with the most different brands, so for example Heinkel scooters or Lambrettas. Also in terms of the number of participants, this first Vespa meeting was not exactly a second Woodstock. There were about 30 people from the surrounding area.
Vespa, new craze in the USA
In the 30 years since, the number of enthusiastic Vespesti in the U.S. has grown considerably and the concentration on the Vespa motor scooter, which was supposed to be a helicopter, is much higher in 2022 than it was in 1992. In addition, the expected 600 to 800 participants unite under the banner of the VCOA, which has a total membership of over 2000.
Five days of celebration with the Vespa
Vespesti cultivate a special lifestyle and this style can of course be celebrated together very special. The modern Vespa Rally of the year 2022 offers its participants a quite extensive program. Not only that old friendships are to be refreshed and new members are to be met. Joint rides, exhibitions, seminars, interestingly designed venues, a banquet and, last but not least, a prize-giving ceremony fill out the five-day Vespa Rally.

Vespa Club of America
The year 1992 was not only the year of the first event, it was also the founding year of the Vespa Club of America, or VCOA for short. The VCOA in turn is a member of the Vespa World Club, which unites 48 Vespa clubs from as many countries. They are all united by their love of a motor scooter that has long been a legend and at the same time synonymous with scooters, although of course nothing comes close to an original Vespa.
Details about AMERIVESPA 2022
(There is no 100% guarantee for all time details, there can be one or the other change, whereby this will be announced in time).
This year’s rally will take place from June 22th to 26th, organized by the VCOA as well as the Twin Cities Scooter Collective. The venues this time are St. Paul as well as Minneapolis in the state of Minnesota.
It starts on June 22 with a meet and greet for all participants at Bauhaus Brew Labs in Minneapolis.
The next day, June 23, will continue with full-day or optional half-day excursions in the area starting at 10:00 am. An evening event will be held starting at 7:00 pm.
Friday will again start from 10:00 with full day or optional half day excursions and will continue from 19:00 with the President’s dinner and an evening event.
On Saturday, June 24, things really get going. Starting at 8:00 am with the AGM Chapter and Member Club Meeting, followed by a skills tournament in the Long Lake Pavilion Wandelhalle from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. Two hours of well-deserved rest will be followed by the banquet at Como Pavilion beginning at 6:00 p.m., with awards ceremony, of course. In the after-party that will take place afterwards, from about 21:00, the night can be turned into day.
Sunday, June 26, from 12 noon, is dedicated to the Vespa Parade, trying to set the world record for the largest Vespa parade.
VCOA and Twin Cities Scooter Collective are looking forward to the 2022 Vespa Rally.
As learned from Josh Rogers, president of the VCOA, the club, founded in 1992, represents a revival from 1956. The VCOA considers it one of its missions to maintain and promote the lifestyle, or way of life, associated with owning a Vespa. Rallyes are ideally suited for this purpose.