lippstadt vespatreff

7th Lippstadt Vespa meeting

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In spring, we were still present on the big world stage at the Vespa World Days 2024 in Pontedera, then we took a big leap to Portugal, to the Algarve. More precisely, to the magical town of Serpa, where the Vespa Club de Lisboa organized its 24th Ibero Vespa. Now we are back in German climes, in the small town of Lippstadt.

It is located about 60 km east of Dortmund and 40 km southwest of Bielefeld.
If you still haven’t found it, look for it between Hamm and Paderborn.
The 7th Vespa meeting was held in Lippstadt to celebrate the club’s 22nd birthday.

As we all know only too well, Peter was often in a bad mood this spring and repeatedly took his displeasure out on the weather. However, he had reckoned without us Vespisti, because we don’t let the weather spoil our fun so quickly.
So we put a good face on the not-so-pleasant interplay between sun and rain. For us, there is no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. The SIP Scootershop offers the right equipment for all weather conditions, with suitable clothing for all Vespa rides.
They were also keen to sponsor this event. They always help where they can when necessary.

Corona prevented the 7th Vespa meeting in 2020

Out of sheer frustration, the Vespisti only undertook day trips in the years that followed. Now it was high time to organize a full weekend again. The machines and their pilots urgently needed a longer break. And the missed 22nd birthday had to be duly celebrated.
No sooner said than done: the days from July 5 to 7 were set aside for this. Despite yet another lousy weather forecast, the anticipation was naturally great.

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