vespa neue papiere

New papers for the Vespa – clearance certificate

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How to get the certificate and what is it needed for?

As every Vespa fan knows, there are registration-free machines, such as the 50ccm. Nevertheless, an officially valid traffic sign (license plate) is required. To obtain this, an operating license must be presented. If this is missing, the manufacturer should issue a replacement document. However, he will only do this if a clearance certificate can be presented.

A clearance certificate proves that the two-wheeler has no defects and that the operating permit has not been withdrawn.

True to the motto of many Germans: “There’s a criminal lurking behind every bush,” the authorities involved initially assume that the operating license has been confiscated due to a traffic offense. Based on this assumption, of course, a replacement certificate cannot simply be issued. Far be it from us to blacken our authorities here. We merely assume the worst case in order to illustrate the possible situation.

Gradually, the feeling of a “vicious circle” creeps over us. And yes, the approval of our request is unfortunately dependent on the daily form of the respective case worker. And also the locality and the federal state play a not insignificant role.
Experience has taught us that processing is easier and faster in rural areas than in big cities. Presumably, the employees there are not as stressed or even overworked as in the big city.

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German Clearance Certificate

Basically, it can be said that there are two different procedures and processes, depending on whether the 50ccm scooter is a German model or a foreign (of course, mainly Italian) model.
If it is a German model, it is probably relatively easy and cheap. Unless lost during painting, German models can usually be identified by the nameplate on the right side of the frame bridge. If the rivet is gone, you can still see the two holes for the rivet if you are lucky. If the type plate and the corresponding holes are missing and you don’t know anything about the origin of the scooter, you usually have to assume that it is an Italian scooter.

When do we need a certificate of no objection?

  • a Vespa was “found”, e.g. when cleaning out a barn; the papers have been lost/can’t be found over the decades
  • a used Vespa was bought without papers
  • in rarer cases vehicle papers can be missing because they were stolen (who steals papers without being in possession of the two-wheeler?)
  • a private buyer can ask for such a certificate (but this happens mainly when buying a real estate. Then the tax office must certify that there are no tax debts).
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German Clearance Certificate

Where do we get the clearance certificate for the Vespa?

We apply for a clearance certificate at the responsible registration office. You also need a proof of ownership, but for some registration offices a sales contract is not enough and they want a documentation up to the last person who had the papers and then an affidavit from this person that he has lost the papers, which is mostly unrealistic to obtain. After that we present the certificate to the Piaggio dealer or the authorized dealer/seller we trust. He should then issue an ABE duplicate.

For a Vespa, no matter how small, so many papers can be needed. If there is a lack of vehicle letter copies, SIP has a selection of letter copy sets available.


It is similar to a breakdown with the certificate of no objection. It’s best not to have a breakdown because we regularly take care of the maintenance of our Töff, and a document certifying the harmlessness is best not needed at all. Why, of all things, buy a Vespa without papers? The most understandable would be an important barn find.

If actually a drivable is found in a barn, which has a real increase in value, then we gladly accept the circumstances of a clearance certificate.

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