SIP Scootershop is not only an optimal (online) store for scooter accessories and spare parts, but also organizer of numerous events around motorsports and vespa tours. While regular trips with different destinations have already been held for many years, they have launched a new event: Matscho Karatscho, the Vespacross Event.
On the company’s own premises in Landsberg am Lech there was a large unused area for some time, which was transformed into a fast cross track thanks to powerful diggers and creative minds. The idea came from Jesco and Nico from SIP Scootershop, who had also thought up and finally planned the whole track construction. In the end, a 470 meter long track with risky and daring obstacles was created. The construction for this was documented and published on their Youtube channel, to the first part of the video series you come here: “Matscho Karatscho” – a track is created

“A cross-country race that is not too professional”.
The two big thinkers and play kids Jesco and Nico came up with this idea together and over the summer, thanks to the contractor and motorcross fan Manfred Zienecker and the all-rounder Julian Veit, they stomped or rather dug a really fast track out of the ground. So even if the race is not aimed at professional athletes, the construction and implementation was extremely professional to ensure the highest safety for the riders. There was one particular prerequisite that had to be taken into account: The whole thing had to be suitable for scooters. All obstacles and curves – no matter how extreme – must be able to be conquered by a Vespa. The eye-catcher par excellence was the 180-degree steep curve, which kept both drivers and spectators on their toes. The water ditch was also great fun for everyone involved and lived up to the name of the event – no one made it out clean!

On 07 October, the time had finally come, the track was ready and the first test drives in front of the public were carried out. The feedback from the individual drivers was quite praising and filled with childlike joy. Riders also came from abroad and already know that they will be right back at the start next time, so much fun did the cross track give them. Also the riders of the race are enthusiastic about the innovative and exciting event, the anticipation of a repeat is already pre-programmed. The whole event was completed without any major injuries or casualties and according to Ralf, co-CEO at SIP Scootershop, “was a very successful test run for our big event next year”. You are welcome to read the whole article about the event with even more details and insights here: Vespa Cross “MATSCHO KARATSCHO #1” in Landsberg
The next race already in sight
If you want to be at the start of the next race, make a note of July 29, 2023 and prepare your scooter for a very special event. The race will probably take place again on the premises of the SIP Scootershop in Landsberg am Lech, Marie-Curie-Straße 4. More information will follow, so it’s worth taking a look at the social media channels to get the latest updates. The best thing to do is to go directly to the Facebook event via the following link and thus be directly informed.
Matscho Karatscho VESPA CROSS 2023
If you still need some add-on parts or new spare parts to pimp your Vespa for the race, take a look at the SIP Scootershop. Or visit the flagship store in Landsberg am Lech directly, then you can get an impression of the track and get the best tips for your models from experienced staff. Even without interest in racing, it is of course also worthwhile for normal street use to take a look at the SIP range;)
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