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Vespa road trip: explore the Netherlands

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The Vespa Road Trip to the Netherlands takes riders to the most beautiful cities of our neighbor and across the vast countryside along the coast. It is a tour without a safety net. There are no escort vehicles. The luggage and if necessary tents as well as tools and spare parts are distributed on individual Vespas. If something needs to be screwed, which happens practically all the time, it is done at the roadside.

Why is a road trip with the Vespa worthwhile?

It offers the limitless feeling of freedom. Anyone can join at any place and also get off again at will. The Vespa rides much more comfortably than a motorcycle, but delivers the immediate feeling of contact with the road and with nature. Last but not least, the two-wheeled vehicle is much less vulnerable to traffic jams than a car or a camper. In the process, the trip writes its own unforgettable stories. The participants feel a fabulous bond, because solidarity and cooperation are indispensable accessories to this kind of trip. The adventure begins at the front door. With the Vespa, places can be reached that are not usually part of the usual tourist routes. The kilometers on the road are a great part of this experience.

How much luggage is required for the tour?

The following applies: those who ride in a group and want to camp, distribute communal luggage on individual Vespas. These are:

Otherwise, riders carry as much of their own luggage (change of underwear, hygiene items, laptop, chargers, etc.) as their own Vespa can carry without being overloaded. This is an important safety aspect. For the correct attachment is worth a look at the article “Luggage on the scooter properly stowed“. Proper rainwear is a must, otherwise laundry is washed through briefly on the way so as not to take too much of it with you. The provisions are bought on the way, because the food prices in the Netherlands hardly differ from those in Germany.

Of course, the trip is also a bit more comfortable and hotels are booked in the cities, where you can relax. However and wherever the nights are spent, the following stops are definitely worth seeing.

Which cities are worth visiting?

First of all, a tour of the Netherlands doesn’t have to be a pure city break. The country offers a perfect mix of cities, coast and rural regions. There’s plenty to discover behind the dikes, including some wonderful beaches. But of course, cities are important destinations. Amsterdam is practically a must-see, and a visit is always worthwhile even for experienced travelers to Holland. The pretty gabled houses, the canals, the quaint bridges and the many museums with works of art by famous painters convey a postcard idyll that cannot be found in any other European city. The cosmopolitan city has remained manageable and still allows for leisurely strolls due to the equalization of street traffic. Tourists always explore the city center in the canal belt, the picturesque Jordaan district with its historic buildings from the 17th century, and the hip De Pijp district on foot. But let’s take a look at some more cities in the Netherlands.

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Rotterdam is not only famous for its port. The city is amazingly hip and features architectural landmarks such as the Grote of Sint-Laurenskerk and the Witte Huis building, the futuristic Rotterdam Centraal train station, the Market Hall with the attitude of a spaceship and modern ceiling paintings, and the cube houses built by architect Piet Blom in the 1980s that give Rotterdam an alternative touch. Among the museums, Boijmans Van Beuningen is definitely worth a visit.

The Hague

In the royal city, it’s worth visiting the Royal Palace and the Binnenhof, with its majestic 13th-century buildings that now house the Dutch Parliament. The International Court of Justice resides in the Peace Palace (built in 1913). Also worth seeing are the Great Church of St. James (Grote of Sint-Jacobskerk, 14th century) and the huge medieval Ridderzaal (Knights’ Hall), immaculately preserved. Those who travel to the Netherlands in the summer on a Vespa will also visit Scheveningen Beach from The Hague, which is one of the most beautiful in Holland.

Road trip to Groningen

Groningen im ruhigen und ländlichen Norden ist eine pulsierende Universitätsstadt, eine sehr schöne Hafenstadt und eine über mehr als 1.000 Jahre gewachsene Handelsstadt, die ihren frühen Aufschwung als Mitglied der Hanse ab 1422 erlebte. Besiedelt war die Region sogar schon vor 2.500 Jahren. Heute bietet Groningen einen quirlige Ausgehszene, viel Kultur und die Möglichkeit des Erkundens mit der Vespa oder dem Fahrrad. Es gilt: Wo das Fahrrad seinen Weg findet, hat auch die Vespa grundsätzlich gute Chancen. Das gilt für die meisten Städte der Niederlande. Legendär ist übrigens die Gastronomie in Groningen, weil sich hier zahllose kulinarische Richtungen der ganze Welt treffen.

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Fans of medieval city centers definitely go to Utrecht with the Vespa. The old town is explored on foot; it is closed to motor traffic. Highlights include St. Martin’s Cathedral on Cathedral Square (Domkerk), dating from 1254, and the Domplein, whose visitor center features DOMunder excavations: Utrecht was founded by the Romans in 47. Remains of the first Roman fortress have been preserved. Visits to museums are also worthwhile, such as the Centraal Museum, the Speelklok and the Railway Museum. Tourists can take a cruise along the canals of Utrecht, stopping at various museums.

A road trip through the Netherlands is a wonderful experience for nature and city lovers, so get on your Vespa and let’s go!

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