Hellblaue Vespa mit Aufschrift "Vespa Club Marseille" steht vor einem historischen Gebäude

Vespa Clubs – Experience the Italian way of life together!

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Italy, for many people a country of longing. The Italian attitude to life – dolce vita – makes many people dream of Italy. In addition to world-famous culinary specialties such as pizza or pasta, one brand is particularly associated with Italy: Vespa.

The Vespa as the typical Italian means of transportation, which can give us this touch of Italy also at home. And since many Vespas are also on the road in this country, the first Vespa clubs were founded in Germany a few decades ago. Almost 4000 people are organized in almost 220 different clubs centrally at the Vespa Club of Germany (VCVD). This is subordinate as a national umbrella organization to the worldwide umbrella organization, the Vespa World Club. This umbrella organization unites national associations from 54 countries all over the world. Its seat has this, exactly like the mark Vespa also, in Pontedera. In the Tuscan city, the majority of all Vespa scooters were produced.

The German umbrella organization VCVD

The VCVD has made it an essential task to keep the so-called historical register. This collection lists all motorcycles that have between two and four wheels, are at least 30 years old and are still original or at least have been faithfully restored. The aim of this register is to promote the exchange of information among Vespa fans. Exactly this goal is also pursued by all other clubs. The priority here is the exchange of knowledge and information about the brand, different models or technology.

When the weather is suitable, however, the joint rides of the club members represent an equally important and elementary part of club life. Since the brand Vespa connects to a certain extent, very many clubs have close friendships with other clubs at home and abroad. The annual trips are rung in in most cases by the so-called “Anrollern“. In the spring, the majority then gathers for a ride within the group to get in the mood for the new scooter year.

Several Vespas of the Vespa Club Munich are lined up in a car park.

Important Vespa meetings

In Germany, the German Vespa Rally is a major annual gathering, which will take place for the ninth time in 2022 and is organized by VC Düsseldorf.
Over the summer, there will be several meetings of Vespa clubs in Europe, where riders sometimes travel from all over the world. A very well known meeting of this kind are the annual Vespa Alp Days in Zell am See. There the “Vespisti” meet as well as at the Vespa World Days. As the name suggests, however, these are not necessarily in Europe. In 2017, these even took place in Germany, more precisely in Celle. After a Covid-related break in 2020, the World Days are now to take place again in 2022 after the European Vespa Days 2021 in Portugal. Interlaken in Switzerland is planned as the venue.

Exchange of experience on technology and knowledge

As already mentioned at the beginning, Vespa clubs also offer an opportunity to exchange technical information and expertise. Many clubs offer their members screw courses or workshops to be able to do minor work on the tin scooter itself. Since the number of Vespa workshops continues to decline, this is more important than ever. Often the Vespa drivers have no other options than to do it themselves. The exchange of experience is very important, because the three different frame types – small frame, wide frame and large frame – sometimes have serious technical differences. Since riders of various frame types and models are organized in the clubs, it is possible to exchange information about many of the more than one hundred types produced.

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