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Scooterist Meltdown 2023

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The Spirit of 84 team could this year finally invite the scooter community again to the ever-popular Scooterist Meltdown. The old nuclear power plant in Kalkar had some life in it again at the beginning of February after two years of forced break. Loud music, good drinks, a lot of scooters and of course a good mood made the first weekend in february a lot of fun and more than 1.600 visitors already can’t wait until next year!

Here dealers from all over Europe meet in the large exhibition area, where top novelties from high-end companies are presented. At the Custom Show everything that has rank and name in England and Germany shows up. New engine concepts can be test driven or demonstrated in operation. Definitely a must-see for all scooter enthusiasts – even beyond the classic Vespa.

Long weekend full of scooters

For very enthusiastic fans, all the fun started already on Thursday with a relaxed introduction to the event. With pleasant music in the Irish pub, the first few guests get in the mood for the coming weekend and chat in a family atmosphere.
The big swing arrives on Friday and then things really get going. For the more than 70 commercial exhibitors the hall opens, where the Top Event takes place on Saturday, to set up their stands or custom scooters. Food will be provided – depending on the booked package – so that it goes strengthened into the upcoming party night. When darkness falls, all stages, bars and pubs come to life and there is cheerful partying and swaying. The mood is terrific and everyone is finally looking forward to living it up again with like-minded people. For visual impressions of the event SIP has published a separate article with gallery. (Please don’t be scared when clicking through the photo album, the party was held under the motto “Bad Taste” and some people got quite creative there).

For Saturday it needs first of all a good cap of sleep, because now it really starts: over 100 scooters at the Custom Show, Trade Show, club displays, test stand with Major Power Award, test rides, demonstrations, interviews and concerts. Even live pinstriping with Nic Nagel was possible. The physical well-being was always taken care of and so visitors could devote themselves completely to their love for scooters for over 5 hours. Towards the evening, the community went back to the pub street and let it rip again, with some feeling tired after such a long day. But of course, that’s why you don’t let the last evening slide and the mood was still in a good mood.

SIP Scootershop invites you for a test drive

At its own booth SIP offered a lot to the visitors. Information about the upcoming Matscho Karatscho, beer on tap, latest products to touch and very special: There was the opportunity to test drive a BFA 306 scooter. Even more, this year SIP, together with Scooter Center, presented its own area: “SIP/SCK and Friends”. Many visitors stopped by and it was a pleasure for the whole team!

From far and near people traveled and unfortunately had to make Sunday so slowly on the journey home again. From all over Europe and the UK, scooter fans came a long way to spend the whole weekend not only admiring Vespas and Lambrettas, but also living out the associated social lifestyle. Some guests stayed until Monday and were able to end the event in a relaxed way with a bowling tournament, a movie or a cozy wine tasting.

Despite a longer break, the event exceeded the fluctuating expectations. The Spirit of 84 team, under the leadership of Mareike and Marcus, did a great job and put on a successful scooter weekend for everyone involved.

Next Meltdown February 2024

Next year is not just any Scooterist Meltdown – No, it is actually 10-year anniversary! And therefore it goes next year on 01.02. – 05.02. so right off, all fans and those who still want to be, can prepare for quite what. The crew is already starting with the preparations, so that the 10th anniversary will be an absolute blast.
For more information and future updates it is always worth to have an eye on the homepage There you can not miss anything and get all the news first hand.

Many thanks to SIP Scootershop for providing the pictures and the first coverage. Both can be read in their article Kalkar: Scooterist Meltdown 2023.

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